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Email bonds - cultivating customer loyalty

Hey there everyone!

Today, we're digging into the world of building customer loyalty through the amazing power of emails. Let’s see how we can create a strong bond with your customers, one email at a time.

Grab a coffee, get comfy, and read this article to see how you can create lasting connections with your audience through their inbox.

Mailtinni customer loyaltyThe value of customer loyalty

So, why is customer’s loyalty such a big deal?

Well, loyal customers are the diamonds for your business. They not only keep coming back for more but also become brand advocates. They spread the word, refer friends, and are more likely to forgive an occasional mishap. Keep in mind, they're your business's biggest fans and we are here for them.

The role of email in building loyalty

We know email is a huge part of everyone’s life and a day does not pass by without reading at least one. You can use this to your advantage to up your mailing game and turn those customers into strong partners for your business.

1. Personalisation - we can not say it enough, right?

Remember that time you received an email that seemed like it was just for you?

Well, that's the magic of personalisation. When you use your customer's name, recommend products based on their past purchases, and acknowledge milestones like birthdays, you're showing that you care about them as individuals, not just as customers.

This definitely boosts engagement and makes your customers feel special and valued.

2. Consistent communication

Building a strong bond takes time and a lot of continuous effort. Regularly sending out emails with valuable content, such as informative articles, exclusive offers, and updates, keeps your brand on the radar.

It's like checking in with a friend to see how they're doing, it builds trust and keeps your brand on top of their mind.

3. Engage and, most important, listen

Your emails should always be a two-way street. Encourage customers to respond, ask for feedback, and genuinely listen to what they have to say. When customers feel heard and valued, they're more likely to stick around.

This, plus you analytics data, will help you understand your customers better and improve your products or services.

4. Surprises are delightful!customer engagement

Who doesn’t love a pleasant surprise? From unexpected discounts and early access to sales to sending thank-you emails just because, these little surprises make your customers feel appreciated.

It's like giving them a virtual hug which creates positive emotional connections and reinforce loyalty.

5. Did we mention segmentation?

Not all customers are the same, so your emails should definitely not be one-for-all. Use segmentation to group your customers based on their behaviour, interests, and purchase history.

Send them emails that cater to their specific needs, these are more likely to resonate with your customers and drive action.

Reigniting the spark!

reactivation campaignOver time, some subscribers may become less active or disinterested, leading to a decline in open rates and engagement. This is where re-engagement campaigns should come into play. Rather than letting these subscribers slip away, aim to reignite their interest and bring them back into the fold.

  • Select your dormant subscribers

Start by identifying those subscribers who are less engaged with your emails, who haven't opened or clicked on your emails for quite some time now. Separate this group from your active subscribers so you can add them to different campaigns meant to trigger re-engagement with your brand.

  • Craft compelling emails

Your re-engagement emails should be attention-grabbing and, of course, personalised. Remind subscribers of the value they once found in your brand and services and offer an incentive, such as a special discount or exclusive content, to encourage them to re-engage.

  • Use an engaging subject line

The subject line is the first thing they see and so your first opportunity to capture their attention. Craft a subject line that's intriguing and relevant to your message. A well-crafted subject line can lead dormant subscribers to open your email.

  • Let them choose

Give your subscribers communication options to choose from. Include a call to action that allows them to update their email preferences, choose the frequency of emails, or opt for specific content categories.

Empowering with choices can rekindle interest and reactivate them, even if it is just for certain areas.

  • Monitor engagement

After sending the re-engagement email, closely monitor all the important metrics. Pay attention to who opens, clicks, and takes action. Those who respond positively can be moved back to your active list, while those who remain unengaged may need further nurturing.

  • Refine your approach

As email marketing trends and subscriber preferences change over time, refining your re-engagement strategies is a continuous process that needs to take place in order to ensure they remain effective.

Measuring loyalty and success

measure success emailWhat to keep an eye on? Well, these are the main metrics you can start from when looking at the relationship between you and your customers.

  • Open Rate: a high open rate indicates that your subject lines and sender name are engaging.
  • Click-Through Rate: a high click-through rate shows that your content is compelling.
  • Conversion Rate: a high conversion rate means your emails are successfully driving action and your CTAs are just the right thing
  • Churn Rate: keeping your churn rate low is essential for maintaining a loyal and highly engaged subscriber base.

In the world of marketing, building customer loyalty is like planting seeds that grow into lasting relationships. Emails are your watering can, nurturing those relationships over time. By taking all the necessary steps and giving the right attention to how you build your campaigns, you'll be well on your way to cultivating customer loyalty that stands the test of time.

And don't forget to keep an eye on your bounce rates to ensure that your emails reach their intended destination.

With the right strategies and a commitment to building meaningful connections, you'll create email bonds that not only boost your bottom line but also leave a smile on your customers' faces.

Happy emailing!