Terms of Service

Please read these Terms of Service with attention. By signing up and/or using Mailtinni’s products and services, you are agreeing to the conditions under which you are allowed to use our products and services ('Mailtinni'). This represents a legal agreement between us and you. As a customer of the service or a representative of an entity that is a customer and according to this agreement you will be defined as “User” (or “You”).


1.1. Agreement

By using Mailtinni, you agree that you meet all the requirements listed below and that you will not use the product/service in any way that violates laws or regulations. Mailtinni may refuse service, close accounts, at any time, of any user that does not fall under the below requirements.

In order to use Mailtinni, you must:

  • Be at least 18 years old and legally able to sign contracts;
  • Complete the registration process steps;
  • Agree to the Terms; and
  • Provide true, complete, and valid information.

1.2. Term

These Terms of Service begin when you sign up for Mailtinni and continue as long as you use our service. Clicking the button ‘Place order’/’Sing-up’/'Start trial' means that you’ve officially “signed” the Terms. If you sign up for Mailtinni on behalf of a company or other entity, you must make sure that you have the authority to accept these Terms on their behalf.

1.3. Closing your account

To cancel your account send a message to contact@mailtinni.com 10 days before the next billing date. Mailtinni may terminate or suspend your access to and use of the services if you do not comply with our Terms of Service. Once your account is terminated, we may permanently delete it and all the data associated with it, including your email credits. If you don’t log in to your account for 3 months, we will treat your account as “dormant” and permanently delete it.

1.4. Changes

We reserve the right to change any of the Terms. We may change the pricing or any other features at any time. You will be informed through a notification about revised Terms of Service in your dashboard and/or by sending an email to the last provided email address. Unless you terminate your account within 10 days from the notification date, the new Terms will be effective immediately and apply to any continued or new use of Mailtinni.

1.5. Account and Password

You are responsible for keeping your account username and password confidential. You are also responsible for the use of any account that you have access to, whether or not you authorized the use. You will immediately notify us of any unauthorized use of your accounts. We are not responsible for any losses due to stolen or hacked passwords on your side.

1.6. General Rules

  • You will not send Spam. You will find more details in section 2 “Anti-Spam policy”.
  • You will not put into your email any material, including graphics or other content, that is not created by you, not provided by us for you to use, or that would violate any other party’s rights.
  • You will not upload or compose emails that contain or offer any illegal content, goods, or services.
  • You will not try to decipher, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any of the software on our website, or in any way used or downloaded from the website.

1.7. Charges and Credits

  • Pricing structure: We have a subscription based service automatically renewing on a monthly basis.
  • Billing date: The billing date is the day at which you contracted our services, of every month of your active subscription.
  • Payments: All payments will be securely processed through Stripe, our payment service provider. As long as you are a user you must provide valid payment information. You can at any time update your billing information through Billing area in the Dashboard. Your monthly subscription will be automatically charged upfront each month.
  • Credits: The email credits in your monthly plan will expire at the end of the billing period. Email credits do not report.
  • Refunds: All refund requests must be submitted in maximum 5 days from the puchase. All refund requests are subject to review and must be sent to refunds@mailtinni.com. We guarantee refund for cases were we can not provide service for any technical reason. You will not be entitled to a refund if you break our Terms of Service.
  • IP replacement: We offer 1 free replacement of IPs in case of reputation damaged beyond repair. Starting the 2nd replacement needed, the client will be required to pay the IP at the cost of 30 EUR/IP. All replacement requests must be sent to support@mailtinni.com
  • Extra IPs and sending domains: Extra IPs and sending domains can be added at additional cost as follows:
    • IP- 30 EUR/month/IP
    • sending domain - 10 EUR/month/domain

1.8. Mailtinni liability limitations

  • Mailtinni is not liable for operations losses, lost profit, lost data or any form of indirect loss at the customer.
  • Mailtinni is not liable for errors, breakdowns, required operation interventions or interruptions that are due to conditions that may be due to errors, equipment, etc., which are owned or operated by another provider, operator, supplier or similar party.
  • Mailtinni’s liability is, in all cases, limited to an amount corresponding to the total amount that the customer may have paid to Mailtinni in accordance with this Agreement regardless of the cause or nature.
  • Mailtinni’s liability in accordance with this Agreement lapses if fulfillment of the Agreement is made impossible or becomes an unreasonable burden due to conditions that Mailtinni cannot control, such as fire, war, rebellions, strikes, lockouts, natural disasters, orders issued by authorities or other force majeure-like conditions.

2. Anti-Spam policy

2.1. Definitions used in this policy

  • Spam is unsolicited email often of a commercial nature.
  • Services are provided by Mailtinni.
  • Opt-in is prior permission to send email messages directly to the receiver.
  • Hard-bounces indicate a permanent reason an email cannot be delivered.
  • Soft-bounces usually indicate a temporary delivery issue to an email address.
  • Spam Complaints are reports made by email recipients against emails they consider being unsolicited.
  • Unsubscribe is the cancellation of a subscription, for example, a mailing list.
  • Spamtraps are usually e-mail addresses that are created not for communication, but rather to lure spam.

This Anti-Spam Policy applies to all email and other communications generated or sent through the services provided by Mailtinni. By sending email through Mailtinni you agree to be compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) protocols and won’t use Mailtinni in a way that violates any laws or regulations. Mailtinni has the right to suspend or terminate your access and use to our services if you do not comply with this policy and can’t be held responsible if you violate any laws or regulations.

2.2 Anti-Spam thresholds

Type Max allowed treshholds
Hard bounces below 5%
Spamtraps max 3 in 30 days
Complaints below 0,2%


2.3. General rules

Below are the general rules every user of our services should comply with:

  • All sending metrics are required to be within the Mailtinni Anti-Spam threshold. List maintenance is important, correct bounce handling, sending email campaigns people opt-in for, and use an unsubscribe link are required.
  • All senders need to have Opt-in. Sending to third-party lists or bought/rented lists is prohibited.
  • All senders must communicate clearly their identity (FROM: Name, Address, Reply-to address). This also includes your valid physical postal address of the company sending the email campaigns.
  • An unsubscribe link must be included in every email. Honor opt-out requests promptly. Receivers must have an option to opt-out of receiving future communications.
  • All email campaigns should contain legitimate information.

The following content is not allowed:
  • Political information
  • Hacking
  • Sexual adult content
  • Narcotics
  • Weapons

As a user of our service, you acknowledge that it is your sole responsibility to understand and comply with all provisions of the CAN-SPAM Act. For more information regarding the CAN-SPAM Act please click here.

Congratulations! You’ve reached the end.

Now, let’s start mailing! ✉️


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