Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is the payment secure?

All the payments are securely processed through our payment provider. We care deeply for the security of your data, so no worries as they are the best.

  • How can I upgrade?

Itโ€™s easy! Just click the Upgrade button on the upper right corner of your dashboard. Youโ€™ll be able to choose the best plan for your needs, then click buy and thatโ€™s it ๐Ÿ˜Š Need guidance? No worries, we are more than happy to help so just give us a shout at

  • What if I reach my mailing limit but I need more?

You have the possibility to buy extra mailing credits depending on your needs. Youโ€™ll find those under the โ€œAccountโ€ section of your dashboard. Still not enough? Check our plans for the one that meets your need.

  • What is a bounce email?

A bounce email is a message that is returned to the sender because, by any reason, it could not be delivered to the inbox. These are split into two categories: soft bounces (temporary issues) and hard bounces (permanent issues).

Want to learn more about bounces? Check this. We promise is going to answer all your questions.

  • What is a blacklist?

The blacklist is a list of email senders or IP addresses that are known for sending spam, malicious emails or have poor sending practices. Being on a blacklist will harm email deliverability and this why we have a few tips on how you can avoid being on these lists.

  • What is SMTP?

SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and it is the standard protocol for sending and receiving emails. Find out more about SMTP from our blog article here.

  • How does SMTP work?

Well, in a nutshell, when you send an email, your email client connects to your SMTP server. It then sends the email message to the SMTP server, along with the recipient's email address. The SMTP server then relays the message to the recipient's SMTP server, which then delivers the message to the recipient's email inbox.

We think this article will help you understand better the functionality of SMTP.

  • What is an SMTP server?

An SMTP server is a computer that is used to send and receive email messages. It is responsible for relaying email messages from one server to another.

  • What is email deliverability?

Email deliverability is the percentage of emails that are successfully delivered to the inbox. Read more about how you can improve deliverability and what other metrics to check.

  • Can I get a refund?

Our team is happy to help, just drop an email to Refunds are subject to approval based on our Terms of Service.


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